July Masnu Dhoran 9 thi 12 nu Prasaran timetable download

July Masnu Dhoran 9 thi 12 nu Prasaran timetable download

July Masnu Dhoran 9 thi 12 nu Prasaran timetable download

Regarding the above subject and context No. So that for the educational work of the students, the educational programs prepared for the students of Std. - Broadcasting 24 hours a day from 9 to 12. Apart from this, from 19.09.2030 through TV i.e. Doordarshan Kendra D.D. Broadcasting of educational programs has started from Girnar channel.

 In this regard, the principals and teachers of all the secondary and higher secondary schools have informed the parents as well as the students about this "Home Learning" program through the letter referred here. DD of "Home Learning" program for students from Std. 9 to 12 from 12.08.2030 so that students can study at home due to Koro epidemic. Broadcasting has started from Girnar channel. This includes the schedule of educational programs for the month of July. In which the students of that standard as per the date and time given in the program will be able to see the progress of their academic work without any mistake.

July Mas Dhoran 9 to 12  Prasaran

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July  Masnu Dhoran 9 thi 12 nu Prasaran timetable download

In particular, when students watch the program, they are asked to carry the required educational materials such as textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks as per the schedule and to make necessary notes. They are also asked to provide necessary instruction and guidance to the school for this "home learning". Keeping in touch with the principals and teachers, you are asked to make appropriate arrangements from your level for guidance and monitoring so that every child can watch and study this broadcast. All the secondary and higher secondary schools under your jurisdiction are requested to inform them so that necessary action can be taken in this regard.
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