Government's decision to recruit directly to the posts of Cadre-2 by the Home Department's Recruitment Board.
From non-armed PSIs, many recruitments are handed over to the Home Department instead of secondary services. Have been doing enough agitation. In those circumstances, the decision to extend the term of jurisdiction issued by the General Administration Department on the condition of keeping it in the Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board states that the Class-II has been made technical.
Due to which these recruitments.
Gandhinagar and the direct recruitment of non-technical cadre is now done by the direct recruitment board of the home department. The entire work is approved by the government for Gujarat secondary service selection. As it is assigned to a non-board in the state police force, recruitment through it will have to comply with certain conditions. Weapons are processed PSI, ASI, Constable. However, the Home Department's resolution further states that the exemption should be given to the Intelligence Officer, PSI Intelligence coming under the control of the Armed Police Force only for one recruitment occasion or out of one year to the Canttable Officer, SRI, ASI, PSI. Is. Therefore, for the recruitment of SRPF cadre of Secondary Service Selection Board, the vacancies of 7 will have to be removed from the scope of work during that period and the recruitment of Home Department, PSI Recruitment Board and Non-Armed Recruitment will have to be done.

It has been decided to pay for this through the Home Board. So now the Home Department Recruitment Board will publish the entire recruitment process for the recruitment of SRPF cadre in a transparent and neutral manner in a transparent and neutral manner by publishing notices of necessary reforms to the constables, armed police constables and the department. However, the recruitment board has been constituted by the Home Department as decided by the government. In this way, the conditions laid down by the recruitment committee have to be complied with. So non-armed PSI, non-armed will have to be chosen. Recruitment process will be done by GPSC through ASI, Non-Armored Contable, OMR Test for some time now The cadre cannot be visited by the candidate.
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