How To update Mobile No In Lic full process in hindi steps by steps

How To update Mobile No In Lic full process in hindi steps by steps


How To update Mobile No In Lic full process in hindi steps by steps

LIC is going to be digital, ready to take advantage

new Delhi. If you have a Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) policy and your mobile number is not updated in it, then from March 1, you will be deprived of a big facility. Actually LIC is going to become digital from March 1. After this, whenever the policyholder will pay the premium for LIC's policyholder or if the policy lapses or if the premium is not deposited, then all such information from LIC will be sent to your mobile via SMS. .

LIC SMS sent to its policy holders
LIC has been sending an SMS to its policyholders for its information for the last several months, in which it was being said, "Dear Customer, We inform you that LIC 1.03.2019 through SMS, your policy For information about the premium repayment date, you will send a reminder.

Register or update your mobile number

If you have not received this SMS, then this means that your mobile number is not registered with the insurance company. In this case, you should register your mobile number or update immediately so that you will not be deprived of LIC's communication regarding the policy.

Call the agent or even online facility

You can call your agent to register your mobile number from which you took the policy and ask them to register or update the mobile number. You can do this by visiting this link at LIC's website or by calling helpline number 022-68276827. According to LIC, after that you will get automated messages on his mobile.

65 types of SMS will be available from LIC

Similarly, the date of premium will be received a day before the due date and the same message will be available even before the grace period is over. Significantly, LIC also gives a one-month grace period to deposit premium to its policyholders.
LICs should ensure that their policy holders remit premium payment, policy lapse, revive or foreclose, issue policy bonds, add bonus or loyalty, register or reject NEFT or NAC mandate, maturity amounts or payment and new year greeting Message will send 65 messages etc.
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