Doordarshan Kendra Ahmedabad Recruitment 2022
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Ahmedabad AMTS Post 2022

So let's get on to a mortgage insurance discussion. Did I say mortgage insurance? Ah yes! Yes, it's a unique name given to normal, ordinary life insurance, couched under a very nice sounding name - which makes a whole lot of difference to people wary of "life insurance." So, they're not buying life insurance-no, no, they're buying mortgage insurance. I wish there were many more such unique names for good old Life Insurance which would persuade people to buy life insurance and protect their loved ones and their estates.
Apparently, people do not want to talk about death; so life insurance is the last topic for discussion unless you get a close call from the Creator, by way of a heart attack or stroke. Mortgage insurance is not mandatory at your bank, or anywhere for that matter. All you have to do is sign a waiver and you're off to the races. The waiver releases the lending institution of its obligations to offer you a plan that would take care of your family in the event you had a premature death.
Let's get back to the statistics. Out of 1,000 people aged 30, 125 will die prior to the conclusion of a 25 year mortgage. And surprisingly, despite having this fantastic name to this very important plan there are thousands of families lacking protection and leaving their dependent families open to the risk of losing their homes. I am certainly glad that due to the plans aggressively marketed by the banks, many families are protected. Or else, there would be thousands of unprotected families who would end up homeless.
If a mortgage is not paid immediately, in the event of your death, it will become a huge liability to the family.
Choices: Let's visit the choices your family would have to make in such a situation.
1. Will the surviving spouse/partner carry on the entire burden of the mortgage and will the bank accept the risk? If two incomes together found it difficult to make both ends meets, how can one income possibly be adequate?
2. The family could sell the house, relocate or rent somewhere else. Will there be a buyer for the house? What about the cost involved in selling the house? Will there be enough money after selling or will the family owe the bank?
3. Sell the house and move in with the relatives. Not the best alternative and how many people have philanthropic, generous relatives willing to take in another family? Not many, I can bet.
4. It's an accepted fact that for most people their house is their most valuable asset and they protect it by way of mortgage insurance.
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By the way, I'm sure you have heard this statement from a friend saying that someone they knew had died and that the surviving family does not have any money. You can immediately conclude that those folks did not have insurance and must have probably snubbed many insurance advisors like me. If one truly loves his or her family, a mere $15.00 a month can prevent such an eventuality.
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